‘Cain, where’s your brother?’
‘I don’t know, am I his keeper?’
‘Did I not tell you
That if you did well,
You would be accepted?
Did I not warn you
If you did not do well,
That sin was lying at your door,
Waiting to take you,
It’s desire was for you?
You had to overcome it –
It was for you to conquer.
What is this you have done?
Abel’s blood cries out from the ground to me.
The land will no longer yield to you
It will be hard work.
You will become a vagabond –
You will be a fugitive.’
‘This is more than I can take,
You have driven me out
From finding Your face forever.
Whoever finds me will surely kill me –
Being a fugitive and a vagabond forever.’
‘I put a mark on you,
Vengeance shall be taken on him,
Whoever touches you,
So God set a mark on Cain,
So anyone who saw Him
Would not touch him.
The above happened because
Abel’s sacrifice was accepted
And Cain’s was not.
Jealousy overtook Cain,
God read their hearts.
Cain’s was giving in the ‘process of time,’
He took his time and gave whatever.
Abel gave of the first born,
The first born of his flock.
How do we give to God?
Haphazardly anything will do?
When we feel like it,
That is providing we do,
Or maybe we feel we can’t afford it.
Or do we give the first of our fruits.
A thought –
This giving was given
Long before the law –
Think it out!
Is it because of law we give to God?
Or is it because of love,
Because of what He has done for us?