Do we as Christians know who we are in Christ?
Do we as Christians know the power we have to heal and be healed?
I have heard it said, ‘Jesus didn’t heal everyone in Palestine and Judea.
He healed everyone who came to Him. Nowhere does He say ‘No, sorry, can’t heal you today, I’ve got something I want to teach you through this!’ He had too much compassion on people to leave them bound in chains of sin disease, even to the point of making the leader of the synagogues angry because He dared to heal on the Sabbath.
‘If even you earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to your children, now much more does your heavenly Father want to give good gifts to you.’ Luke 11:13
Is God a tyrant? Is He worse than our earthly fathers?
Ephesians 6:10 Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Power and Authority:
These words are not exchangeable, two completely different words, yet most versions of the bible interchange authority for power.
Authority – 1849 exousia (έζουσίά)
Power – 1411 dunamis (δυνάμίς)
I trust in the thoughts I’ve written to explain the difference between power and authority. I’ve written down as the scriptures, prayer’s and thoughts came to me, not randomly, but a flowing thread like a river. My prayer is that they’ll talk to you as they have spoken to me, while researching scriptures.