Looking Around

Posted on Posted in Poems and thoughts taken from the Bible and from Life

I look around Lord,
What do I see?
I see poverty,
I see hatred,
Violence, despair –
2 Timothy 3:1-5 –
Prophecies about this time –
Lovers of money,
Boasters, proud, blasphemers,
Disobedient to parents,
Unthankful, unholy, unloving,
Unforgiving, slanderers, no self-control,
Brutal, despisers of good,
Traitors, headstrong, haughty,
Lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God,
Having a form of godliness,
But denying its power….
Paul tells us to turn away from such people.
Jesus prophecies about wars and rumours of wars,
Nation rising against nation,
Famines and pestilence, earthquakes and fearful sights.
It’s all in Luke 21:7-28
False Christ’s will rise up
Declaring to be Him.
We need not fear,
Those of us who love and know the Lord.
Jesus also says His sheep will know His voice – John 10:4-5
So again we need have no need to fear,
We will know His voice
If we remain close to Him.
The Lord won the victory for us on the cross.
Ours is to believe.
Ours is to worship Him.
He doesn’t need our adulation –
He will be the same,
Today, tomorrow and forever
Whether we worship Him or not.
We need to worship Him,
In worship we find our need
In worship we find our identity
In worship we draw closer to Him.
Jesus goes to the Father
Leaving behind the Holy Spirit
Who’ll teach us all things – John 16:5-15,
And equip us – John 13; 14; 15; 16; 17;
And we’ll do even greater things
Than Jesus did while on earth. John 14:12-14
So let’s come and rejoice.
Let’s tell the world about Jesus.
For no-one can be saved by any other name – Acts 4:11
Let’s obey the Commission,
To go out and make disciples of all nations
Baptising them in the Name of the Father
Of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
He promises us He’ll be with us to the ends of the earth –
So again we have no need to fear
Those who can harm the flesh
But not touch the spirit.

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