We say “It doesn’t matter
If you believe Satan exists.
Satan couldn’t care less
If we go over the top
And say everything is of Satan
We exonerate him.
If we are afraid
To say he exists,
We deny his existence
And he works despite that.
He can work more subtly!
We need to know our enemy
Or he will destroy us.
We need to know his tactics
So we can fight against him.
Paul says: “know the devils schemes it is not against
Flesh and blood
But against rulers
Authorities and powers of this dark world
Against spiritual forces
Of evil
In the heavenly realm.”
This is from the bible
Does Satan exist?
“Does he wish to destroy you?”
You’d better believe it.
Do we have to fear?
If we have Christ behind us,
Before us, below us
Above us, inside us,
The blood of the lamb
Around us – No!
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Which gives us authority –
The knowledge of
A powerful, Magnificent
Awesome, Just, Protector
Loving, Disciplining
Majesty, King, God
Our Father.
Know it in your hearts
Pick up your weapons of
The word of God
And read it!
Go forward into battle
Know the Lord already
Has the victory
Don’t be overawed.
Don’t be Israel in the Promised Land
Afraid to take back
What God has given us.
Take it back from the liar
From the thief
From the Evil One.
We have the authority
We have the responsibility
Lets grow up!