Let us eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
‘Come let’s build a tower,’ said the people of old
As they gathered together in one place.
‘Let’s build a city –
And make a name for ourselves.’
‘Oh no you don’t,’ replied the Lord.
The great city was never finished
Because He confused their language,
‘Til there was no understanding between them.
He scattered them abroad.
Have we really changed that much?
Here we are thousands of years later –
Trying to build our Tower of Babel,
With our one world religion –
Our one world bank –
Our one world government –
Men still trying to make a name for themselves;
As long as the rich get richer
And the poor get poorer –
O we’re trying to get rid of world poverty!
Do we honestly believe
God will allow this?
Yes He will,
And leave us to our own devices.
He will give us what we deserve
Unless we
Stop messing around –
Stop our liberalism,
Not taking God at His word –
God didn’t really mean that.
Stop in-fighting –
Take the armour He gave us, (Ephesians 6:10ff)
And start interceding,
Start using the sword – His Word.
Of course if we don’t know his Word,
Or believe it is the Word of God,
Then we are rendered useless.
We are the only one’s who can spiritually feed the world
In Jesus’ Name
For Jesus’ Name is the only Name under heaven –
Which can save this world.
For there’s no-other Name
By which men can be save (Acts 4:12)
As Peter said to the Sanhedrin.